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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Catwoman System : Game Cube Date Added : 2004-10-15 15:23:40 Views : 29889 Easy Battles When battling Laurel Hedare, Tom Lone, or the man in black who tries to kill her, always attack them from the back. You will be able to hit them about three times before they attack again. Otherwise, you will just roll away and get hurt. Finding Cat Eyes If you have problems finding Cat Eyes, press Y to use your cat vision. Some of them are hidden behind posters and other objects. Vault Code The code to unlock the vault is 1940 which is the year that Catwoman first appeared in the comics. This will unlock new galleries as well as a new comic book cover. Level 1: Dodging bullets While on the level 1, there will be a hail of bullets. To dodge them, hold L and run around. The chances of you getting hit will be decreased. To dodge the bullets you need to roll. To do this, hold L while running around then press R to roll. You can also roll to break some objects. Midnight the cat When Catwoman comes across this little feline she is in luck. Finding Midnight gives Catwoman nine lives. Hold Z and look around for its paw prints to help find it. Kitty dance Allow the game to idle and Catwoman will do a dance. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Catwoman cheat codes.
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